Mental health is physical health, emotional health, nutrition, sleep hygiene, and more. Adopting simple everyday habits that help nourish your brain and reign in your moods will help you battle negative mental health, help you thrive, and help you have fun!
It took me 12 and a half years to get my first degree because I didn’t know my eating disorder and undiagnosed minor processing challenges were driving my anxiety and depression and sabotaging my ability to learn.
Move, Nourish & Restore
Teach college students the daily habits necessary to battle negative mental health so they can navigate life more happily and productively.
Teach young adults how to nourish their brains and reign in their moods! Teach them habits that will maximize the benefits from therapy and medication (when necessary).
They will learn simple daily habits that enable them to make constant second-guessing, self-doubt, and indecision things of the past. These simple habits will give them awareness of their circadian rhythm, help them balance their hormones, and gain self-knowledge so they can get unstuck and move forward with confidence.
By finding their rhythms, they will be able to manage their pain and design lifestyles to support health and balance. By learning how to respond to subtle signals from their brains and their spirits they will be able to:
Recognize and fight the pain of mild depression before it triggers relapse.
Accommodate circadian rhythms prone to imbalance to help avoid mania, depression, or anxiety.
Change thinking patterns.
Develop healthy ways of dealing with stress.
Don’t let shaky circadian rhythms, inadequate nutrition, lack of movement, and poor sleep jeopardize their progress.
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Talk Titles
Move, Nourish & Restore: Mood Management to Thrive
Our brains are our most complex organs, and daily habits influence how well our brains function. If we struggle with negative mental health, augmenting traditional treatment with simple daily habits can make the difference between managing our mental health conditions and misery. Learn:
Movement breaks that help you focus
Easy ways to avoid low blood sugar attacks that upend your mood
Simple sleep hygiene routines that increase productivity and reduce the risk of meltdowns
What’s Next After High School? How to Create Your Career
High school can become overwhelming. Especially when you have no idea of …What’s next? Learn how to become an expert on yourself, research future career options, and build a supportive professional community. Empower yourself by turning goal setting into a thrilling and fulfilling experience.
“Being financially secure is a great mood stabilizer,” Liz Young NPR Marketplace: My Economy, May 7, 2024
Untangle the Web of Trauma, Addiction, and Bipolar
Through changing your habits and examining your thought patterns, your brain can create beneficial new neural pathways and you can better connect to your spirit. For example, research shows that goal setting and gratitude are skills you can acquire.
It is impossible to manage bipolar depression if you have zero insight into the variety of factors that influence it. The same holds for addiction and the aftereffects of trauma. Learn how to recognize your triggers and subtle signs of impending mood shifts so you can manage bipolar, pursue your goals, and become your best self.
For the past 10 years, Sasha Kildare has been one of NAMI Greater Los Angeles County’s In Our Own Voice presenters who share the story of their lives with community groups, including sheriffs in training, of What Happened, What Helps, and What’s Next related to coping with their mental health challenge.
She shares her story and her insights, because of her gratitude for her living well today and her desire to fight the stigma that stands in the way of more widespread, effective treatments for people living with mental health conditions.
—Brittney Weissman, Executive Director at Hollywood 4WRD
“Compelling. As well as sharing her journey from bouts of psychosis to leading a healthy, productive life, Kildare spells out the many tools she uses to manage the symptoms of bipolar depression.”
—Joanne Doan, Entrepreneur & Publisher – Mental Health
“A consummate professional, Sasha engages the audience with her insight and lived experience and makes them laugh with her authentic humor.” —Brenda Sarai-Zuniga, Comedian, Actress, Mindfulness Coach, Motivational Speaker